Acquired Brain Injury Ireland is Irelands provider of community based neuro-rehabilitation for people living with a brain injury. At ABII Ireland we put the person injured and their families at the centre of what we do. Our services provide a critical emphasis on client centeredness quality and effectiveness. ABI Ireland believe in the power of neuro-rehabilitation, and the difference that can be made by empowering and supporting those living with a brain injury. Community neuro-rehabilitation aims to enable people to adjust to life in the community, following a period of rehabilitation in hospital, as skills may need to be re-learned. ABI Ireland support people with an ABI and their families through the biopsychosocial model of services, which recognises that biological, psychological, and social factors and their complex interaction must all be considered to ensure successful rehabilitation. At the heart of our everyday work is the individual rehabilitation plan (IRP). The IRP is developed with the person who has suffered a brain injury and is tailored to meet their needs. It enables the person to make decision that effect all aspects of their life and to identify and reach personal goals that are meaningful to them, helping drive their rehabilitation forward. The IRP is the key element of ensuring a person-centred approach. The mission of ABI Ireland is to enable people with neuro-rehabilitation needs to lead meaningful lives in the community by providing personalised quality rehabilitation and support. ABI Ireland recognised that every person is different, so every brain injury is different and in need of an individual rehabilitation plan. The IRP is developed through several ABI Ireland services and supports, and these include, Neuro-rehabilitation teams, case management, assisted living residential services, transitional living services, day resources/clubhouse facilities, family support services, clinical support including psychology services, awareness information and education and cares training.

Contact details ABI Ireland

  • Jan O Leary local services manager Norther Area Dublin Tel: 0863868851


You can help by making a contribution, every little help’s;

Charity number CHY 14289


Direct to our bank account.

AIB Bank Cornelscourt, Dublin 18

Account number 23500372

Sort code: 93-33-92

IBAN: IE54 AIBK93339223500372

Acquired Brain Injury Ireland Staff.

Neil Carroll, Eugene Murphy, Susan Fitzpatrick, Carolina Dominguez, Laurie May, Jan O Leary.